Things Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know About SEO

Search Engine Optimization is a term that crops up every now and then while planning the website, running an online marketing, or a digital marketing campaign. This has led to a plethora of blogs and shareable information about how SEO optimization techniques work

While outsourcing the requirement may seem to be an easier solution, it is still good to know what you are getting into. It can also help in ensuring that only relevant techniques are being used.

Here are a few things that every entrepreneur needs to know about SEO.

  • Know the Website First

The SEO for website usually depends on the website’s content and design. In case of an old website incorporation of SEO would often include modifying the content and design even. So, that’s where you should start from. And in case your business is in an expanding phase then wait till it is a bit settled in in order to focus on all the relevant keywords at one go.

  • Package Deals or Not

Packages may be lucrative, offer a lot in a reasonable price too. But, is it what your business requires? At times your website may need a customized strategy for better visibility. And in some cases the extensive SEO strategy may not be required. In either case, the package may not be best choice.

  • Optimization

Know a bit about On-page and off-page optimization. The Keywords used in the heading, the keyword density etc. impacts the page ranking on the search engine. These come within on-page optimization and is done on the existing web pages on your website. The off-page optimization on the other hand is the process of link building using other sites. Social Media, guest blogging etc. are ways to do so.

  • SEO Techniques

There are good SEO techniques and bad SEO techniques. White-hat techniques and Black-hat techniques as they are known should be understood to avoid issues.  White-hat technique is the legitimate technique where rules and guidelines are followed to rank on the search engine ranking page (SERP). Quality content, relevant keywords etc. fall in this bracket. Black-hat techniques may bring early results, but can lead to disqualification of the website on the long run as it doesn’t follow rules and uses techniques such as keywords stuffing, irrelevant link creation, etc. to gain traffic.

  • Page Speed

People tend to leave a website if it does not load in 3 seconds. Even the Google algorithm ranks those sites higher that load faster. Page speed depends on the design, the number of plugins, image optimization etc.

Though not an extensive list, this is just a beginner’s outline, hopefully enough to build curiosity and give a general understanding. As an entrepreneur additional knowledge can help in making smart decision and getting the best results if an outsourcing partner is entrusted.

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