To meet your marketing objectives, you need new marketing content all the time. How can you use existing content and re-purpose it in a different form and yet ensure that you are offering something fresh and relevant to your target market.
In the marketing world today, Content is king and is also considered by many as currency. Generating fresh, relevant content to feed into your different marketing artifacts is usually a challenge. It involves significant, consistent effort and is expensive. How do you then keep generating this content to feed into your marketing plans?
The answer to the above challenge lies in re-purposing content effectively to meet your organization’s requirements. How do you go about doing this? Here are a few tips.
- Converting Webinars to Whitepapers
Webinars are very popular means to engage with your potential prospects and existing customers. Creating the content for an engaging webinar takes a lot of time & effort. All the knowledge and information gathered during the creation of a webinar can be effectively re-purposed and abstracted as a white paper. White papers are useful for targeting larger segment of audiences.
- Converting Whitepapers to blogs/articles
White papers discuss a variety of topics with a neutral stand-point. Sections of these topics can be used to create articles/blogs. Usually it is possible to generate at least two articles from one white paper that you generate.
- Converting PowerPoint presentations to fresh Blogs/Articles
Your business starts with creation of PowerPoint presentations detailing your product/services offerings. A lot of effort has been already put to make the presentations at their best. Why not leverage the effort put into a PowerPoint presentation to create a blog/article.
- Re-Purposing Press-Releases for highlighting relevant content
Use a series of press releases ahead of an important event to ensure higher attention from your target customers. Every release may have a different story line, but you can link the stories together to drive your objectives
Golden Tip
Listen to blog comments or lack thereof, study web analytics, monitor social media responses to get an idea of how audiences are responding to your content propagation. Try and anticipate what the audience wants and do your best to give it to them. If responses remain poor, then you need to do self-introspection and use alternative means to interact with your target audiences
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