Patience is waning across all age groups and people no longer have the time to go through traditional forms of content. Brochures/Flyers are slimming down in size and content. People are increasingly talking about the role of graphic design in building awareness about your product. Companies are reducing the number of slides on presentations and trying to make it more visual instead. There are several alternate forms of content distribution that are becoming very popular like Instagram, YouTube, Slide share, which are more amenable to quick consumption, across multiple devices and are easy to share as well.
As you start communicating about your products/services, building awareness and affinity towards your brand is one of your first objectives. With diminishing attention spans, it is best that you deploy visual means to communicate your values
How can graphic design help in external communication?
- Events presence – The display panels/banners that you host at your booth need to talk about the values that your product is able to deliver. What better way than to use visual and graphic content. Presentations and videos that you plan to show at the event will need animations and graphics to deliver the message efficiently
- Brochures/ Flyers & Promotional handouts – it makes sense to make your brochures/flyers as visual as possible. The promotional handouts that you host at the booth can have subtle branding elements that will help your recall
- Campaigns – Neatly designed HTML campaigns can communicate your values more efficiently than long texty emails. Campaigns are an example of the increasing role of Graphic design in building awareness.
- Advertising – Both digital and physical advertising demands that communication be more visual and graphic oriented and have minimum text.
- Social promotions – As you promote your product, event or any content that you publish, the themes that you plan to use in social promotions can be more visual and to the point. This will help drive larger number of hits to your content piece
- Content marketing – As you create multiple pieces of content including case studies, white papers, e-books or any other documents, it pays to build them on nice design templates. A well-designed marketing piece helps the audience see past the graphics to the message, but it’s the appealing graphics that reel them in.That helps improve recall as well as portrays you as a far more professional organization. 2 golden rules to help define your content marketing program
- Internal and Facilities branding – Building your company identity starts on the inside, so your employees must be committed to the brand. What are the traits/attributes you would want your employees to display Graphic design can help strengthen that sense of commitment? What does your company stand for? You can communicate that through well designed posters or through animate videos on digital media.
- Corporate stationery & Promotional items – Your employees will be surrounded by stationary, uniforms, publications, and more items that will remind them about the company core positioning.
- Facebook promotions – As you engage with employees on Facebook across the different initiatives that you drive, creating well designed banners can help engage the audience effectively.
I hope you found this useful. The role of Graphic design in building awareness has been significantly increasing over the last few years.