How to increase your Twitter following with 6 simple steps?

Twitter is one of the powerful ways to reach your target audience.  A question that people ask commonly is How to increase your Twitter following.  To ethically build an audience and a presence, your Twitter strategy should focus on three broad categories: Content, Engagement, and Rewards.

  1. Write a complete twitter profile 

There are different parts to a twitter profile like bio, profile photo, header photo, profile name, twitter handle, location, website etc. The details you enter here help a person to decide if you are worth connecting with, so make sure that you have the right information updated.

  • Your profile picture should be clear and charming. Your twitter profile background should be decent and attractive which actually matches with your profile and your business. Choose something that complements your profile picture and doesn’t make the text in your bio unreadable. Use a solid colour in header so the bio text appears crisp and clean.
  • Make sure your profile tells who you are, what you do, what the visitor will get to read about once he becomes a follower. When your twitter bio defines your target market then it became easy to capture the larger audience.
  • Mention your location to make it easy for people to find you.
  • Do not forget to mention your website/blog it gives a sense of authority and gives chance people to visit your website.
  1. Publish Valuable content

Speak to your targeted audience. If you own a cupcake shop, your targeted audience is probably those who are hungry for dessert. Let them know latest special menus at your place.

Twitter isn’t a platform that should be used solely for content promotion. If that’s how you’re using it, you’re missing out on a lot of great content and conversations. Rather, share those awesome articles, info graphics and e-books related to your domain. Do share content from influencers from your domain. When sharing influencer content, be sure to mention (@) the author. This will increase not only the visibility of your tweet, but also the likelihood that the author will retweet or reply back to you. Engaging with meaningful content is the key to attract and retain more followers on twitter.

Retweeting can be a great source of engaging with followers with relevant content. You don’t always have to be the originator; retweeting content that is relevant, useful and interesting to your followers and potential followers is always a good idea. That content can be an article or photo, video, small text, or latest research that is of interest to your followers.

  1. Follow Twitter etiquettes –

Exercise twitter etiquettes by always replying to questions or comments people leave. Also, if someone retweet you, don’t forget to thank them. Monitor Twitter activity as it gives you more chance of engagement. Also brash use of twitter for sales engagement like repeated direct messages or offensive messages can land you in trouble in twitter Dom.

  1. Use hashtags effectively

Hashtags make your tweet easily visible and searchable, hashtags are a method by which Twitter parses conversation topics. Use hashtags, but don’t go overboard, too many hashtags in single tweet can hurt your engagement. While using hashtags, it’s best to hashtag the keywords that are related to your business and industry. You can also find out about trending hashtags and participate in trending topics.

Take an example of recent Chennai Floods in India, netizens voluntarily got involved in the help operation and were using specific hashtags for rescue, food, help, medicine which made people connect easily with each other. #CHENNAIFLOODS – How Social Media came to the rescue

  1. Twitter contests, promotions and twitter polls

While launching a new product or promoting any specific offer you can run contents with relevant hashtags. Contests encourage followers to interact and share your posts which gives you more visibility in turn more chance to get followers.

Twitter polls – Recently twitter has started option to conduct polls, and are good way to increase engagements with your followers. Also there is a good chance that your followers will share your polls and get you more visibility. You can run polls related your product, industry, effect of latest industry update.

I hope this post was able to give you some ideas about How to increase your Twitter following and how you can effectively use Twitter to increase the level of your engagement.

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